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Waxed concrete (Béton ciré)

Waxed Concrete or Béton ciré

In its basic form, waxed concrete was originally invented by the US navy for coating the decks of aircraft carriers – that’s how durable it is – and since then it has been developed to give a wide range of colours and finishes.

Béton ciré (Waxed concrete) is a mixture of Portland cement, silica sand, polymer resins, with pigment added to provide colour. Applied in layers, the finished product is tough, flexible and seamless with a tactile, marbled finish and excellent resistance to abrasion and staining.  It’s fully waterproof, so can be used outdoors as well as for interiors; it can even be used for swimming pools.

Waxed concrete (Béton ciré ) has significant advantages over polished concrete, which is simply traditional concrete ground and polished to a shine.  Béton ciré is quick drying, much lighter (being just 2mm thick), is flexible, can be pigmented to almost any colour and we can tailor the finish to suit your design requirements.